My Articles Directory Launched To Help Eliminate Authors `Writers Block`
Released on = December 7, 2005, 1:12 am
Press Release Author = Keisha Seaton
Industry = Media
Press Release Summary = Keisha Seaton today just released My Articles Directory. My Articles Directory is a new online article directory that helps writers, and authors find relevant content to get over the "writers block" hump. Content can be reprinted to suite any media publication.
Boston, MA - December 09, 2005 - Authors, do you suffer from \"Writers Block\"? It\'s not a pretty thought when you have a deadline to meet, and do not have the article or story ready for publication. This can become a writer\'s worst nightmare. If you do not have the content you need, your readers will never see it.
Did you know that this happens to about 98% of writers? Is there a cure for this ailing disease? While there is no definite cure for \"writers block\", you still have to get your story out to your readers. Is there an out to your situation? Writers often have to turn to other resources such as article directories that provide fresh new content that will benefit both them, and the reader.
Just imagine with new content you will make your readers very happy, and eager to read your next publication. You will keep your boss smiling, and finally you will be able to walk away feeling like a winner.
My-Articles Directory ( offers writers, authors, and editors free content for reprint. Content can be printed in newspapers, web sites, blogs or just about anything that needs fresh new content. Keisha Seaton strives to maintain an up to date directory for all authors, and writers.
My-Articles ( recently became a member into the ISEDN Network ( There are currently only 120 sites on the Internet that has been accepted.
About Keisha Seaton Keisha Seaton is an Internet Marketing Consultant. She specializes in providing small business owners with information on how to increase their web site traffic! Keisha Seaton is also the owner of
Contact Keisha Seaton for details about My-Articles Directory. Direct line: (617) 436-5881. Other helpful information regarding this service can be found at:
Web Site =
Contact Details = Keisha Seaton
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